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HomeBoatshare M15 Program Guidelines
M15 Sell Sheet LANDSCAPE


The dues for membership in the 2022 season is $1,000 per primary member. 

M15s are expected to arrive in early June and we will all work together to commission the vessels and get them sailing as soon after arrival as possible.

For the 2022 season, Boatshare M15 membership also grants access to the entire fleet of club-owned sailboats in the Boatshare and Boatshare+ programs. M15 members must be checked out on each type of boat prior to sailing. Members enjoy all the benefits and privileges of Boatshare+ membership.

Boatshare M15 members are qualified to race in all Sunday Club Series Races, regattas and other special events, and be scored for trophies. Members will enjoy all the benefits and privileges of a Racing Membership.

Boatshare M15 members are required to have sailing experience, core competence, and are subject to checkout and approval by the Fleet Captain and/or Board of Directors prior to admission into the program.


M15s will be reserved using the club’s online reservation system. Checkouts will be in 4-hour increments (8am-12pm; 12pm-4pm; and 4pm-8pm). A member may check out a boat as often and as long as they want, UNLESS another member wishes to take out the boat. It is important to know the checkout schedule before you leave the dock, so you know when (or if) you have to return your boat.

M15 members are permitted to add additional family to their membership. Family members are not permitted to check out M15s UNLESS they have been checked out and approved to helm the M15 AND no other Primary M15 member wishes to check out a boat. Primary Boatshare M15 members have checkout priority over Family members.

M15 members are permitted to take out any crew they wish and are encouraged to take out new crew in order to help build excitement for and knowledge of the fleet. HOWEVER, on days when a Primary M15 member wishes to sail (race days, regattas, etc.), those members will take precedence over non-members as crew. The intent is that Primary M15 members are prioritized for time on the boat over family members and non-members.

The class is new for everyone and the intent of the program is that Primary M15 members will sail with other members and trade off helm and crew positions. By going out with a variety of different sailors and trading off positions, it is hoped that all program members will acquire knowledge and skills at the same time. We will all learn from each other and share what we know.

Checkouts may be restricted to no more than two weeks in advance. Since there are more members than available boat seats, on race days you should expect to only be able to reserve a boat for 25% of those available days. Because there will be more members than boats, it’s likely a boat will not be available every time you want to go out. Members must understand this is the nature of a “shared boat” program and work with each other on scheduling to keep things fair for everyone.

At this point, we will take a “wait and see what happens” attitude towards scheduling. If the checkout slots start filling up, get in contact with the other members and get a ride on their boat. Work together to keep things fair. If you don’t think you’re getting your fair share of boat time, talk to members in the program. As a last resort, call the Fleet Captain.


  1. 2-4 brand new Melges M15 sailboats fully rigged with spinnakers, storage covers. Each boat will be on a trailer (2” ball) with dry sail storage space in the club’s C lot.
  2. A members-only online forum by June 1 for members to discuss tips and tricks, talk about issues, and work out sailing schedules
  3. A members-only online reservation and checkout system
  4. Weekly Sunday club racing throughout the summer. Members are expected to volunteer for Sunday Race Committee duty at least twice during the year.
  5. A weekly race series throughout the summer and fall specifically designed for the M15 fleet in addition to Sunday club racing. The day and times to be determined by program members. Members not sailing will be expected to work the race committee for these races.
  6. Full coverage insurance for the boats with a $1,000 deductible.


  1. A positive attitude and a willingness to share boat time fairly with other members, and share knowledge and skills with each other.
  2. Any damage to the boats or trailer that require repair beyond normal wear will be paid for by the member responsible, up to the amount of the insurance deductible.
  3. Volunteer time at the beginning and end of the season to make small repairs, clean the vessels, and make ready for the season opener and winter storage.
  4. Complete reports of issues and concerns as they arise using the online forum as well as the existing “red tag” system in place for the other Boatshare boats.
  5. Willingness to recruit, vet, teach and/or checkout new members


All members of this program are encouraged to learn and sail both Helm and Crew positions. The intention is for all members to develop competency in both positions at roughly the same rate. Helm and crew should swap positions frequently and talk to each other to share knowledge.

To clarify - the member who checks out the boat will be the responsible party for the boat during that time, regardless of which position they sail.


For 2022, the club Board of Directors will appoint a Boatshare M15 “Fleet Captain”, who will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Promote the Boatshare M15 program and encourage the entire racing fleet.
  2. Recruit off-lake sailors and other local and regional M15 owners to join the club
  3. Serve as primary liaison between the fleet and the JSC Board of Directors.
  4. Appoint M15 checkout skippers and approve member M15 checkouts.
  5. Be responsible for the repair and condition of the club M15s and work with the club Equipment Director to ensure all boats are in checkout ready condition.
  6. Work with members on pairing up helm and crew.
  7. Serve as “referee” over the checkout calendar to ensure all program members are getting a fair share of boat time.

It is not the intention of the program for the Fleet Captain to be a dictator, however they will have final say on issues that arise within the fleet. At the end of the 2022 sailing season, the Boatshare M15 membership will elect a Fleet Captain for the 2023 season and will revise these program guidelines as necessary to make the program run better.


The financial viability of the program requires a minimum of four members per boat. The club promises to restrict membership to no more than 4.5 members per boat. (For instance, if 13 members join, the club will provide 3 boats. If 14 members join, the club will provide 4 boats).

Due to financial reasons, we must have a minimum of 8 members registered before May 1.

Due to production bottlenecks, we can get up to four boats in 2022, so the program will be limited to no more than 18 members.


At this time, the program has no provisions for taking the club M15s to off-lake regattas and sailing events. As time allows, the Board of Directors and Fleet Captain will work with members to determine the feasibility (and cost to members) of a traveling program. One goal of the 2022 season is to take the club M15s to Perry Yacht Club’s annual Commodore’s Cup regatta in September.


This is an entirely new direction for the club and as a 2022 inaugural member, you will have a lot of influence in how this program develops. Please understand that unforeseen challenges are inevitable and please do your part to help the membership work for good solutions.

This document is also a work in progress. If you have suggestions or concerns, please contact the Fleet Captain.

